Long Covid is Multisystemic & Potentially Severe.
“Long COVID” Caused by Hidden Viral Reservoirs:
“The persistence of high numbers of virus-specific T cells in individuals with long COVID suggests that there may be hidden viral reservoirs that are maintaining and leading to long-term symptoms,” said Brent Palmer, PhD, the study’s senior author and an associate professor of allergy and clinical immunology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations:
Long COVID is a multisystemic illness impacting every organ system in the body. More than 200 symptoms have been identified with impacts on multiple organ systems.
Covid Damages Organ Systems in the body
The Brain
"Persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients seemingly recovered from COVID-19
Brain donation from 1st wave COVID patients (N=9) shows widespread endothelial activation, microclots & platelet aggregation supporting COVID as a vascular disease that yields real brain pathology." _Dr. Wes Ely
The Neurological System
COVID-19-Related Neuropathic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
"1 in 3 Long Covid sufferers have life destroying, incurable, widespread pain caused by damage to the nervous system. 'Significant number' of 'millions' of people affected they warn. New LC pain started over 1 year after acute infection in some."_Chris Turnbull
The Heart
Heart attacks on dramatic rise for 25-44 age group
How COVID-19 Changes the Heart—Even After the Virus Is Gone
"The team conducted autopsy analyses and found a range of abnormalities, particularly in the way heart cells regulate calcium.'In fact, when it came to their calcium systems, the heart tissue of these 10 people who had died of COVID-19 looked very similar to that of people with heart failure.'"
Vascular/Blood Vessels
Young Adults With COVID-19 May Have Long-Term Impacts on Blood Vessels, Heart Health
"Findings from the study showed that the otherwise healthy, young adults had detrimental effects on their arteries throughout their entire body, including the carotid artery, which is responsible for supplying the brain with blood."
Immune System
Coronavirus Deranges the Immune System in Complex and Deadly Ways
"Scientists say unprepared immune cells appear to be responding to the coronavirus with a devastating release of chemicals, inflicting damage that may endure long after the threat has been eliminated. ovid appears to confuse multiple parts of the immune system.
In some patients, COVID triggers autoantibodies that target the immune system itself, leaving patients without a key defense against the coronavirus.
While some patients studied had antibodies against virus-fighting interferons, others had antibodies that targeted the brain, thyroid, blood vessels, central nervous system, platelets, kidneys, heart and liver, said Dr. Aaron Ring, assistant professor of immunology at Yale School of Medicine and lead author of the December study, published online without peer review. Some patients had antibodies associated with lupus, a chronic autoimmune disorder that can cause pain and inflammation in any part of the body."
Is COVID reinfection harmful? Dr. Mallika Marshall answers your questions
CBS News - Dr. Mallika Marshall: "And it's still a good idea to try to avoid reinfection as much as possible because having COVID-19 more than once could increase your risk of heart, lung, and kidney problems as well as long COVID symptoms."
Liver & Pancreas
Three in five long COVID patients have organ damage a year after infection
"From this first set of scans, we found 331 participants (62%) had organ damage. Impairment of the liver, pancreas, heart and kidneys were most common (affecting 29%, 20%, 19% and 15% of participants respectively). These 331 participants were followed up six months later with a further MRI scan."
"The lungs are ground zero, but COVID-19 also tears through organ systems from brain to blood vessels."
Reproductive System
Long Covid causes erectile dysfunction and hair loss as symptoms list widens
"The study found that while the most common symptoms include loss of smell, shortness of breath and chest pain, others include amnesia, erectile dysfunction, hallucinations, an inability to perform familiar movements or commands, bowel incontinence and limb swelling."
​Evidence suggests viral reservoirs triggering long term symptoms
Long COVID is multisystemic & impacts every organ system in body
200+ symptoms have been identified
Long COVID symptoms can include MECFS symptomology
Long COVID involves vascular & clotting abnormalities, viral persistence, neuroinflammation & autoimmunity
A significant number of people with Long COVID may develop life long disabilities
There is no treatment
​Highest % between ages 36-50
Most cases non hospitalized mild infections
85% still reporting symptoms 1 yr after onset
33% report moderate improvement after 22 months
20% report minimal improvement after 22 months
38% report no improvement after 22 months
2/3rds don't return to baseline health
25-30 million have long term symptoms
46 million cases of Long COVID
Comorbidities can include POTS a form of dysautonomia, mast cell activation syndrome, connective tissue disorders, small fiber neuropathy, autoimmune disorders
Long Covid & MECFS
Understanding ME/CFS and Long COVID as Post-Viral Conditions:
"Studies show that 25% to more than 30% of COVID-19 patients experience long-term symptoms, many or most of which also occur with ME/CFS. The New York Times is currently reporting 46 million reported cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. alone."
"I would say that Long COVID is a complex mix of symptoms that can indicate various diseases and syndromes. Some Long COVID patients have an ME/CFS-like set of symptoms that look like ME/CFS to an experienced clinician—whether they would meet the diagnostic criteria or not is another question. Some people have co-morbidities strongly associated with ME/CFS, like postural tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, a kind of dysautonomia, but those may also occur on their own." -Jaime Selzer
Will Long COVID Research Provide Answers for Poorly Understood Diseases Like ME/CFS?:
"Pollack emphasized that for around half of people with long COVID, their condition also meets the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS."
"She says that people with ME/CFS commonly develop a group of illnesses including autonomic dysfunction and POTS, mast cell activation syndrome, connective tissue disorders, small fiber neuropathy, autoimmune conditions, and more, and that these illnesses are often interrelated."
Page in Progress
​Long term Long COVID sequelae often manifest MECFS symptomology
About half the people with Long COVID meet diagnostic criteria for MECFS
Some people with Long COVID have comorbidities associated with MECFS
Long COVID can manifest as various diseases & syndromes to include MECFS comorbid illnesses
People with MECFS often develop POTS, mast cell activation, connective tissue disorders, small fiber neuropathy, autoimmune disorders & more